Welcome to the North Central Region Toboggan Program
The region toboggan program is here to help you with your toboggan training needs. Let your region toboggan advisor know what needs you have and they will set up training tailored to that request. We will assist you in mentoring a new toboggan trainer, help refresh skills of existing trainers, help run clinics for patrollers wanting to advance their toboggan skills and help with training or testing of candidates.
The team runs a clinic in early January for the entire region to participate in. Here you can receive training in any of the above mentioned subjects. Just sign up at the National sight under the program you want to participate in and we will get you covered.
My goal is to make learning a fun and enjoyable experience, let me know what we can do to improve or how we can help your hill.
Steve Beil
North Central Region Toboggan Advisor